Warcry: Centaurion Marshal



Centaurions are terrifying creatures, their strength and skills honed in the Varanspire's warpits. Charging headlong into the fray on iron-hard hooves, Centaurions wreak havoc with each of the deadly weapons gripped in their four arms – ensnaring, skewering, bludgeoning, and trampling any who stand before them. The Marshals are the strongest amongst their kind, risen from the arena into the ranks of powerful warbands and legions – yet despite their bestial ferocity, these are also creatures of great cunning and subtlety, sworn to gather warbands in shadowy service to their Dark Master.
Để mua sản phẩm xin quý khách vui lòng liên hệ The Lords Wargames tại : 

Địa chỉ : 86 Võ Oanh, phường 25, quận Bình Thạnh , Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh.

Số điện thoại: 028 62818340

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